Your Helpful Moving Checklist

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    Moving to a new home can be stressful and confusing, with many details to keep track of and remember as you go. Many people will use a checklist or to-do list to simplify the process, and it can take a lot of the pressure off you. Don’t know where to start? Use this as an outline, and add extra pieces as they come along.

    post-its signifying a helpful moving checklist
    Your helpful moving checklist has four essential steps you can rely on for the perfect relocation


    When you know you’re moving and have the new house picked out, you can start the transition.

    • Choose your moving company. A trustworthy local mover like Fairfax Transfer and Storage can take the stress of packing and transportation away.
    • Set up insurance, if necessary, to cover possible damage. If you own anything valuable, you’ll want to take out extra insurance so you can replace it if something happens.
    • Research the new area and make arrangements for your job, bank account, and schools to transfer, as well as any other local accounts or memberships.
    • Similarly, find new doctors in the area and arrange for your medical records and insurance coverage to transfer there.
    • If you need hotel arrangements, pet care, or any other intermediary setup, make sure it’s in place well before moving day.


    A lot of paperwork goes into a move, and you’ll need to make sure you have everything up to date with local, state, and federal offices.

    • Fill out an IRS Change of Address form once you have a definite new address.
    • Fill out a change of address form at your post office and arrange for mail forwarding.
    • If you’re switching banks or creating new accounts, fill out the appropriate forms to process the transfer.
    • Change your address on all online accounts (if you need to do it in batches, list them out separately and check them off as you go).
    • Confirm your move date with everyone involved and get it in writing.
    • Organize all of your updates, agreements, and contracts. Keep them in a folder or binder for easy access.


    Even if your movers pack your home, you can do some work to make the job easier for them and you.

    • If you haven’t already, go through your belongings and declutter. Now is the time to get rid of anything you won’t want to bring into a new home.
    • Measure dimensions in your new house, and determine how you’ll set up your furniture and belongings. If something doesn’t fit, add it to the stack of things you’re giving away or selling.
    • Order any packing materials if you’re packing your own things. Boxes, tape, packing paper, bubble wrap, and permanent markers are all helpful to have on hand.
    • Along those lines, if you plan to use sheets or towels as packing materials, set them aside so that you don’t accidentally pack them or get rid of them.
    • Pack up anything you don’t use often or won’t need between now and your move date. You don’t have to get rid of it, but it’ll make the process smoother to have it boxed away.

    Closing Time

    You’ll have a few more things to arrange and keep track of before the big day comes.

    • Confirm the details with your movers, workplace, and anyone else involved.
    • Arrange for services like cable, internet, water, and electricity to disconnect the day after you move out. Don’t forget to start the same services at your new home the day before you’re due to arrive.
    • Refill any prescriptions so that you have plenty on hand throughout the move.
    • Buy anything you’ll need to replace or install at the new house, like curtains, locks, or appliances.
    • If you have children, either arrange childcare for moving day or find a way for each of them to help with the process.
    • Pack suitcases and immediate needs, and get excited for the next chapter of your life.

    When you’re armed with a checklist and the right mindset, your move will go more smoothly, and you can look forward to all the new opportunities it’s bringing.

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