How to prepare your dog for moving

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    Moving homes is stressful for all of us. You can just imagine how much stress it can cause our furry friends. You need to prepare your dog for moving, but you’re not sure where to start? Don’t worry we and our Northern Virginia movers have got your back! Dogs are an important part of families. We want them to be just as excited as you are for your new home!

    A woman preparing her dog for moving

    Before packing

    Dogs are sensitive and they thrive on routine. This is why we’ve decided to divide this article according to the steps in the moving process. We know it’s a lot to think of while you’re already thinking of everything else concerning the move. But your furry friend will be incredibly grateful for the love and care you show them in this time.

    Our movers Quantico VA are at your service during these complicated times. For all additional help needed, feel free to contact us. Moving in itself is a big bite, but moving with our oblivious furry friends can be too much on your plate.

    1. Prepare your dog for moving by getting it acquainted with moving materials

    We recommend getting your packing supplies a few weeks before the actual packing starts. You would like your dog to see the crates, boxes, and all other materials and get used to them. This will help you as well, if your dog is more on the playful side and would play with the boxes, you can train them in advance to not do that.

    One to two weeks before packing is the best time. If your dog suffers from separation anxiety or simply hates breaks in routine, you could incorporate some positive reinforcement towards the boxes. Reward them with a treat for exploring the boxes!

    A couple getting their dog used to moving materials
    Get your dog used to packing materials!

    2. Stick to the routine as much as possible

    Our furry friends hate change even more than we do. Now that the boxes are placed and your dog is getting used to them. The next best thing you can do to prepare your dog for moving is to stick to your usual routine as much as possible. Keep the standard feeding times, walking times, and activities you usually do with your dog. This will ease them and show them that things aren’t dramatically changing.

    3. Take your dog to walks in the neighborhood you’re moving to

    This can be a challenge and not achievable for everyone. But if you’re not moving too far away from your current location, getting your dog used to the new area can be a good idea. Bonus points if you find a park that is perfect for your beloved doggy near your new home.

    4. Leave packing your dog’s things for the last day

    Let your dog keep their place in the home. Their little corner with their bed and toys should stay unchanged for as long as possible.

    While packing

    1. Routine!

    Again we stress the importance of routine. Our packing services can offer you a quicker way to pack everything and less time for your dog to stress out while moving. Keep up your regular playtime with your dog as much as possible.

    If you’re unable to keep up with your hourly walks with your dog, go out for 15-20 minutes. Or play fetch for a few minutes. Any stimulation will be very rewarding at this time. You want your dog to really feel like everything is okay.

    2. Try to keep the home looking “normal”

    Leave some bigger pieces of furniture in place until the last day. This way your dog won’t have a huge amount of information to take in all at once. Even removing smaller items could cause them distress, this is why we recommend keeping the home looking as normal as possible.

    3. Hide the packing from your dog

    Another way to help your doggy adjust is to shelter them from seeing everything get shuffled around the house. Just keeping them in the yard, or by a pet sitter will help them immensely.

    After the move

     1. Set up your dog’s space first

    Setting up their bed, feeding bowl, and any other possessions as they were in the previous home can help you keep them calm. Another thing we recommend is not washing furniture immediately. The familiar smell of your old home will calm your animal and make them believe that they are safe.

    A dog resting in their bed
    To a dog, their space is sacred.

    2. Routine, again

    We can’t stress enough how much routine is important to dogs. Assuming your dog is acquainted with the new neighborhood, just continue your routines as if nothing has changed. Regular walks, playtime, and everything! This will soothe your dog and show them that nothing is wrong.

    3. Be compassionate

    We can’t even begin to understand how stressful moving can be for a dog when all they’ve known was your old home. We urge you to show a lot of patience and compassion. Treats are also welcome here if you notice your dog reacting negatively to the new space. As much as dogs can be scared, they are also very adept at adjusting to new circumstances. So you shouldn’t worry if your dog is reacting negatively, it will surely pass.

    4. Stay at home if possible

    At least for the first few days, we recommend staying with your pet. Of course, this isn’t possible for everyone. Perhaps you and your partner can somehow take turns, or even engage your children in this activity as well. Your dog will love you for the extra attention. And let’s be real, we’d all love an excuse to spend more time with our furry friends.

    Ease your load

    Seeing how your moving process is more difficult than it usually is, and even usually it’s really difficult, you really should ease your load. Our moving services Northern VA are here to help in any way possible. You and your family will benefit from any kind of service that can make life easier for you in this stressful time.

    Now that you know how to prepare your dog for moving, be sure to contact us and lessen your load!

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